Gay Binghamton

Student life in a college town Located near the New York-Pennsylvania border, Binghamton is a small but active college town. Most of the gay clubs are 18+ and most of the LGBT social services cater to students.
Bars & Clubs
Photo of Squiggy's


 (11 Ratings)

Low-key neighborhood bar

Catering to a middle-aged crowd rather than college kids, this place has cheap drinks and good vibes.

34 Chenango St, Binghamton

Photo of Lost Dog Cafe

Lost Dog Cafe

 (9 Ratings)

Alternative cafe in a historical building

This funky cafe has long been friendly to the Bingham gay community. Lost Dog is a popular place for brunch and now...

222 Water St, Binghamton

Photo of Sake-Tumi


 (5 Ratings)

71 Court St, Binghamton

Map of Binghamton